NHS App Out of Hours News
Vine Surgery Partnership

Hindhayes Lane,  Street,  Somerset,  BA16 0ET

Tel: 01458 84 11 22

Contact Details


Sign up to Safety aims to deliver harm free care for every patient, every time, everywhere. It champions openness and honesty and supports everyone to improve safety for patients.

Vine Surgery Partnership through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) framework wishes to engage with the Somerset CCG   Sign up to Safety programme and its ethos. The following action plan has been drawn up to support the CCG objectives of:

1) Increasing incident reporting and learning from incident in primary care both clinical, including medication incidents and non-clinical; and

2) Support learning from service user feedback including Friends and Family Test


The Five Sign Up to Safety Pledges

1) Put safety first. Commit to reduce avoidable harm in the NHS by half and make public the goals and plans developed locally.

Practice’s response:

We will share our pledges with our local Federation colleagues, our staff, our patient groups and our patients.

We will work with our practice team and colleagues to promote the safety agenda and ensure that it is intrinsic to our daily operational processes and that everyone is committed to quality improvement within the surgery.

We will undertake a review of the practices current reporting processes to establish clear procedures for reporting, recording and following up safety incidents to promote increased incident reporting and shared learning from such events.

We will encourage service user feedback via the Family & Friends tool, website comments form and ‘we welcome your feedback’ forms and will review, act and respond to in a timely manner to comments received.

Progress made:

Pledges have been discussed at partner and staff meetings.

Pledges were discussed with the active Patient Participation Group members and also emailed to the online group members.

Friends and family data is collected each month and published to our website.

“We welcome your feedback” forms are reviewed each month and where appropriate, discussed with partners and staff.  Responses are always given to patients who request them

2) Continually learn. Make their organisations more resilient to risks, by acting on the feedback from patients and by constantly measuring and monitoring how safe their services are.

Practice’s response:

Sign up to Safety will become a standard Agenda item for our weekly operational and monthly staff meetings and any practice Significant Events, near misses or complaints can be discussed without delay.

We will report incidents in line with our agreed practice procedure and will conduct a bi-annual review of complaints and SEAs to ensure that any identified learning or safety issues have been addressed.

We will share our knowledge with Somerset CCG and if appropriate NHS England National Reporting and Learning System.

We will raise awareness and increase the use of the Datix system to feedback any service issues to Somerset CCG.  WMF practices will work together and develop and implement a Datix protocol and audit our practice uptake and share with WMF practices.

Progress made:

We have held significant event and complaints meetings and these have been minuted.  Any learning from these meetings have been shared with all partners and staff during our regular meetings.

The Datix system has been promoted in partner meetings.

3) Honesty. Be transparent with people about our progress to tackle patient safety issues and support staff to be candid with patients and their families if something goes wrong.

Practice’s response:

Vine Surgery Partnership’s priority is to learn from significant events, complaints and near misses.

The practice will uphold a “no blame” policy and encourage all staff to report issues, which can be discussed openly and learning points shared. If a mistake is made we will explain what went wrong and what actions we have taken – staff are encouraged to apologise when mistakes have been made.

When a mistake is made, we will explain what went wrong and what actions we have taken.  All staff are encouraged and supported to apologise when mistakes have been made.  The practice endeavours to investigate incidents openly and report accurately, honestly and in a timely way.

Progress made:

Any compliments, comments or complaints are raised at monthly staff training sessions.  We encourage open discussion and feedback of any points raised.

We are using an online e-learning package which promotes being open, conflict resolution and handling complaints.

4) Collaborate. Take a leading role in supporting local collaborative learning, so that improvements are made across all of the local services that patients use.

Practice’s response:

We will work together with the practices in West Mendip Federation (Glastonbury Surgery, Glastonbury Health Centre, Wells Health Centre and Wells City Practice) to agree our shared sign up to the 5 safety pledges and produce a shared statement of intent and a shared Safety Improvement plan framework.

We will explore the offer from Somerset CCG to deliver Federation wide training support from their Quality team to ensure consistent learning and standards between practices with regards to Safety.   All 6 practices share an e-learning package to help standardise training.

Progress made:

We are still awaiting the CCG training but hope this will be available in the New Year.

The Your Health and Wellbeing collaborative group is active and meeting on a regular basis.

All Mendip practices are now meeting each quarter as Mendip Commissioning Locality.

5) Support. Help people understand why things go wrong and how to put them right. Give staff the time and support to improve and celebrate the progress.

Practice’s response:

The practice promotes a “no blame” culture throughout the organisation and encourages open discussion with staff and patients. There are clear processes for reporting incidents and we will ensure that all staff and patients know how to raise safety concerns.

Staff and patients are encouraged to submit ideas on how services can be improved and ideas taken forward will be shared with staff, patients and with WMF practices to see if ‘group learning’ could benefit.

Where training is identified WMF will endeavour to hold collaborative training sessions, or cascade information to the other practices and would welcome Somerset CCG training support.

Progress made:

At our monthly staff training sessions all members of staff are encouraged to submit ideas on how services can be improved.

We have “we welcome your feedback” forms on our Reception counter and our website also includes an online version of this form.  Comments submitted, unless anonymized, are always acknowledged and a response, where appropriate, sent to the patient.

Our e-learning package covers modules on being open, conflict resolution and handling complaints.  All staff, clinical and admin, cover these modules in their annual training plan.


Safety Improvement Plan

Action plan to support delivery of the 5 practice pledges

To be achieved by
Who is responsible To be completed by:
Sign up to Safety Campaign Completion of submission form with action plan ( Appendix A)
Obtain partnership approval and submit to CCG
Sharon Morgan 26.8.15 26.8.15
(Discussed 24.8.15)
Establish practice leads Agree lead GP and establish Safety team to include staff responsible for :
Health & Safety
Fire Safety
Infection control
Sharon Morgan and Rob Vriend 26.8.15
Publicise involvement in Sign up to Safety campaign Set up section on website and publicise 5 pledges.
Display info on campaign on TV screens in waiting room
Inform PPG
Mike Potter
Sharon Morgan
31.12.15 31.12.15
14.9.15 meeting
Brief practice team Staff Meeting   Partners Meeting Sharon Morgan 18.9.15   24.8.15 discussed
Review Significant Event Audit protocols Undertake a review of the practices current reporting processes to include:
How decisions are taken about which incidents are reported / reviewed.
Review and update format for recording SEAs
How learning is shared within the practice.
Agree parameters for which SEAs should be reported externally and to whom and by what means.
Sharon Morgan and Safety Team Discuss at next Partner meeting and reviewed bi-annually at SEA meetings
Annual Risk Assessment review Maintain and review annual risk assessment process for Health & Safety and Infection control Sharon Morgan and Safety Team Discuss at next Partner meeting and complete review by 31.12.2015
Safety Alerts Circulate to all clinicians upon receipt in practice Sharon Morgan Weekly operational meetings
Drug Safety Update Review and take appropriate action upon receipt in practice informing clinicians as appropriate. Sharon Morgan and pharmacy technician Weekly operational meetings
Datix – reporting incidents Remind all clinical and non-clinical staff and encourage use / feedback of the Somerset CCG.   Datix tool on all practice desktops to raise any patient safety issues. Sharon Morgan at Staff and Partner Meetings   Mike Potter Staff – 18.9.15
Clinicians – next operational meeting Done
Training Take up offer from Somerset CCG Quality team members to deliver Federation wide support and training for all clinical staff in practice for the Sign up to Safety campaign. West Mendip Federation PMs 01.10.2015
FFT – review patient feedback Collate and review feedback from FFT cards with PPG and share learning with whole practice team Sharon Morgan - PPG Lead GPs 18.9.15 – next meeting
Collaboration with WMF colleagues Regular agenda item at Federation meetings to share learning and best practice Sharon Morgan Scheduled Federation Meetings.

Publish on practice website Sign up to Safety Pledges and progress report and forward electronic link.
CCG Email contact

  Mike Potter 31.12.2015