NHS App Out of Hours News
Vine Surgery Partnership

Hindhayes Lane,  Street,  Somerset,  BA16 0ET

Tel: 01458 84 11 22

Contact Details


From 1st April 2015, in line with new regulations, all patients will have a named GP. Please ask at reception if you wish to know who your named GP is.

Your Usual GP will be your named GP and we are going to work through this year, until March 2016, to notify as many patients as possible of their Named GP. As with patients aged 75 years and above, who have already been assigned a Named GP, this does not stop you from booking to see any other clinician.

If you have a preference, as to who you would like your named GP to be, please let us know and we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate your wishes.

The named GP will take lead responsibility for the coordination of services required and will ensure these are delivered to you where required, (based on the clinical judgement of the GP).