NHS App Out of Hours News
Vine Surgery Partnership

Hindhayes Lane,  Street,  Somerset,  BA16 0ET

Tel: 01458 84 11 22

Contact Details


Holiday Travel

If you are travelling abroad it is sensible to make provision well in advance of your expected date of travel, if possible a minimum of four weeks.

The Surgery can give full guidance on health matters relating to travel abroad and long haul flights.

Our practice nurses have up-to-date information and would be delighted to discuss your individual requirements.

The Surgery keeps a stock of travel forms that we ask you to complete for the nurse before your appointment. By assessing your itinery and using the latest medical global information she can plan the best advice on your personal travel requirement.

Please ask for a form at reception or alternatively you can download the form from here.

Please note that you will be charged for some of your holiday vaccinations.


Travel Questionnaire

You can save time by completing our holiday travel questionnaire.

Please note. To use the questionnaire your holiday must be at least 4 weeks away. If your holiday is sooner please phone the surgery on 01458 841122 (after 2pm if possible).

There are three ways in which you can send us the questionnaire:

1) Via our on-line form.

2) By downloading and completing the holiday vaccination questionnaire. To do this:

  a) Simply download holiday questionnaire by clicking below.

  Travel Questionnaire in Adobe Acrobat PDF format

Adobe Acrobat Reader click to download the latest Acrobat reader

  b) Print the document.

  c) Complete the form.

  d) Post or drop it off at the Surgery.

3) Pop into the Surgery to pick up a form.


Useful websites (click to visit)

Travel Health Pro - Comprising the travel health resources of the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC).

Foreign and Commenwealth Office

NHS Immunisation - the most comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate source of information on vaccines, disease and immunisation in the UK.


Private commercial services

Patients requiring travel immunisations at less than six weeks notice are advised to check with the surgery whether a short notice appointment is available but must be prepared to contact one of the organisations currently providing a private commercial service if we cannot meet your requirement in time:

Christchurch Family Medical
North Street
BS16 5SG
Tel: 0330 100 4141

Nomad Travel Store and Clinics
38 Park Street
Tel: 0117 922 6567


For immunisation near airports, also see:

Masta Travel Clinic
0330 100 4141

Masta Travel Clinic (Newport)
0330 100 4276

London Travel Clinic
0207 000 1804

Masta Travel Clinic
0330 100 4174

Masta Travel Clinic (Hythe)
0330 100 4198